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Protostar Decay and Fee system
Protostars produce rewards of 0.1 NEFI until the decay rate of 500% is reached.
Our fees are set at 15$- first fee will be due on the day of our launch. In the future fees can be paid per month or in any length of 1-12 months. Failure to pay the day it's due results in your node being made dormant (not accruing rewards) and unclaimable, on the 5th day of non payment, your node will be destroyed and any unclaimed rewards will be sent to the rewards pool.
Keep in mind that fees are for maintenance and sustainment of our protocol and Overseer.
Protostar Creation :
5 Tokens to the reward Pool
2 Tokens to the team
3 Tokens to the treasury
Node fees
Distributed 20/30/50,
20% to the team,
30% to the LP and/or Overseer,
15% marketing,
25% treasury,
5% to further the protocol 5% for giveaways.
The 'Protocol' denoting funds to pay for additional work, giveaways, and as a surplus of funds should their deployment be necessary to the longevity of Nebula. These percentages can vary depending on the protocols health, and all of the above are placed in separate wallets.
Funds from our NFT sale will be distributed as the team sees fit to our Overseer, LP , Treasury ,marketing and a small percentage to the team .
Node Cap
Nodes are capped at 100 per wallet and 100k nodes total.
Buy and Sell Tax
Buy tax is 0% with a Sliding sell tax of between 10% and 30% based on amount sold - this is sent to the treasury.
Claim and Transfer Tax
Claim tax 10% and a transfer tax of 50% - which is sent to the rewards wallet. (The transfer tax is to negate the use of multiple wallets when and if the singular wallet limit is reached.)
20% of all investment profits to the team, 5% to the LP and 5% to the Overseer. (30% overall)
Token => $NEFI (Nebula-Protostar)
Total Supply => 1.2 million $NEFI
Launch mCAP => Wait for launch
Launch Supply => Wait for launch
100% of the LP Locked After Launch for 1 Year
LP added by the node creation will be sent to a dead address.